zaterdag 17 december 2016

 around 33 kilo of Xmas potatos they are small where 4 rows of 20 meter where 10% a 15% didnt come up . then frost hit , because of wind blow the cover a way ..
will cook then and the cut and freeze
will keep some for seed potatos ..  for maart hope to make 300 plant so around 8 row of 20 meters with uphilling must give more as 150 kilos 3 a 4 months later ..

here the front of the house in Xmass style

dinsdag 1 november 2016

Getting colder

Hi I was busy ..

I have now cleanup the garden and planted potatos (150) and unions (300)

 I also bougth a iseki vac6500
the red machine
 it is now around 13c at nigth ...

woensdag 13 juli 2016

Had some issues with my phone .. so no photos for the moment
I am now working on the concrete floor , takes longer as I was thinking..

with the cucumbers and egg plants it goes good all ready gave a lot a way , also the pumpings are developing good ..
the paprikas dont do so well , maybe to hot ..

yes it is very hot in the vinly house above 45 c

wil make some photos with my tables ..

maandag 27 juni 2016

working on floor of vinly house

fixed the concrete blocks and then poor the floor

fixed the blocks

donderdag 23 juni 2016

issues with 12v to 100v comverter

I switched my solar converter because of heat problems, replaced it with a 500 watt converter

solar charger had to replace a fuse

old situation had 2 converter but both got very hot also because they are inside the green house

new big converter

woensdag 22 juni 2016

strawberry holder and small deep water boxes for seedlings

Because of the rain I am working in my vinly house
Now building the seedling place and vertical strawberry holder
need some more tube stuff to make the vertical strawberry holder

So I will for now start on extending the concrete floor