maandag 27 juni 2016

working on floor of vinly house

fixed the concrete blocks and then poor the floor

fixed the blocks

donderdag 23 juni 2016

issues with 12v to 100v comverter

I switched my solar converter because of heat problems, replaced it with a 500 watt converter

solar charger had to replace a fuse

old situation had 2 converter but both got very hot also because they are inside the green house

new big converter

woensdag 22 juni 2016

strawberry holder and small deep water boxes for seedlings

Because of the rain I am working in my vinly house
Now building the seedling place and vertical strawberry holder
need some more tube stuff to make the vertical strawberry holder

So I will for now start on extending the concrete floor 

zaterdag 18 juni 2016

I bougth a Concrete mill because of all the concrete I need in the vinly house

my big help
 this day I will mainly poll weeds , and make the pinda's row's nice
also do some work in the vinly house , on the floor or do some wood work ...

vrijdag 17 juni 2016

getting the rest of the patato's..
after getting 33% 12.5 kilo now I will get the rest of the patato's

the leave are now yellow ..
patato plant with extra fruits
you can see that if you uphill the patato's you will get more because they will not only sprout at the roots of the plant. but also at the branches that are hilled

After getting all out of the ground the total weigth is 55 kilo that only on 15 meter row , if it double layer plant it , so after hilling again plant patato's then I can get 100 kilos ...
I only had 3 kilo seed patato's ...

row after harvest


Was busy with work inside the vinly house because we had a couple of day of rain.
mainly worked on the floor and the rack that will hold the strawberries ..
also work on the design of the seedling tables

work place under construction

strawberry and seedling place under construction

I re-designed the way the dutch buckets are supplied with water in the solar green house, previous I used small hose that where connected to a pipe that had holes, problem was that the holes where small and they issues that the hoses got blocked ..
now I use a T section and use just a pipe with a dead end with a small hole , dont use the hose now.
I am now testing if this system works better , if now a pipe get blocked it is much easier to clean the pipe , previous I needed to clean the hose..

old system

new methode

so it looks like the water supply issues are resolved if iI use this way.
will use the dutch bucket system for tomatos 

I also growing now some melon plants (seeds), and radies when they are a little bigger they will go outside ..

 also need to put the other baby plant that are in the vinly house outside will keep some tomatos to clone them .. with aquaponics

zondag 12 juni 2016

Pulled out 40% of my patatos I got 12.5 kilos medium size patatos ..
Much better then last year, then they where small ..
so hilling them works much better but is a lot of work. patatos on the side of the walk way are bigger than the ones in the middle , so next time hill on the side is important ...

two bags of patato's 12.5 kilo's

only toke 40% of the row .. there is still muck more left will get them when the leaves turn yellow.

donderdag 9 juni 2016

Main problems vinly house aquaponic system

I build wooden boxes for growing the plants , some with clayballs and  some with only water (deep water culture) in the begining all went o.k. but 6 months later the wooden boxes started the break down ..
water was to heavy ..
after 1.5 years I only used one box with clayballs and the rest are now raised beds . to make baby plants ..
also I made one deep water wooden box again and testing it now again .. made it stronger and more water prove.. until now it looks o.k !!

The water tanks for the fish and sump tanks are  IBC tanks (they have no issue) only some issue when it is raining to much and the water level in the ground pushes the tanks up (if they are empty ..)
this problem is resolved by always filling them with a lot of water before a rain storm and drainage around the vinly and green house

using big growing beds (wooden boxes) is not wise because if they break down the are difficult to repair and heavy ,, and big .. so better is to use a bucket system .. like ducth buckets .. in place of the big clayball bed's

for deep water culture It looks to be easier to make them from concrete construction 

Plans , Todo

Green house
clean up the internal vinly house and build the dutch bucket system .. keep the IBC system (stones) but clean them ..
so remove the growing beds
paint the concrete inside of the green hosue
build a floor

dutch buckets system non active

entrance solar house under stone pad there is a drainage system

made a small garden in front of solar house and plant some cumumbers and other climbing vegies

ICB growing beds , with tomatos and strawberries

floor wthat is to wet too long ...

also connect more batteries, and panels to the system so they can power the pumps.

Vinly house
In the vinly house I will make a concrete floor and build the deep water system from concrete..
also will look for a concrete fish tank construction.\

I am now building an office in the vinly house and will make some protection for the sump tanks ..
so clean up and make the vinly house pretty..

The plan is to make a place for strawberries a tube system and a nice place to make seedlings
I am planning to move the old wooden boxes outside ... because I need the space inside the green house 

will place some photos of the current situation ..
log development of these places ..

Now the photos 3 years later 2016 june
inside the solar house there is a vinly house to trap more heat in the winter
I will renovate the solar house in the next months
also will build a new system in the vinly house(later more about this) 

At the moment I am growing outside;
pumping ,
egg plant ,

and some 
patato's will pull them out next or this month.. they are getting yellow (leaf)

the green-  and vinly-house at the moment are strawberries , and some baby plants :
egg plants

maandag 6 juni 2016

After building my green house with 450 watt solar power 
and my 18 meter long  vinly house
and drainage ,,,,
3 years ago I will redesign and rebuild some pieces
after 3 year I needed new vinly .. and re=think the two aquaponic systems